It’s Been a While…. But I’m back


It’s been a long four – five months! I admit even in the midst of all that has happened… I have been slacking. Please, forgive me.

However, all those who have been rocking with me and patiently waiting – I appreciate you.

I will continue the Bible Challenge, and will be consistent with uploading content however it will probably not be daily, as I try to get back into the swing of normal life. Please look forward to new posts bi/weekly.

Still.. if you have questions, comments, or concerns – please feel free to email us

Forgive Me….


It’ been sooooooooo long! I have definitely been M.I.A. I have been doing a lot and sometimes there isn’t enough time in a day (I feel). SO, please please forgive me.


Going forward I will be posting more. I have been re-evaluating life, and priorities. Learning and trying to better myself, strengthen my faith, and just be better and do better as a whole.


I’ve been contemplating different avenues of ministry, and I will definitely share those ideas, and strategies at a later date. But STAY TUNED! I am looking forward to God doing some AMAZING things!


Blessed Because……..what?

Blessed:   consecrated; sacred; holy; sanctified: divinely or supremely favored; fortunate: blissfully happy or contented

Favored: regarded or treated with preference or partiality:  enjoying special advantages; privileged: excessive kindness or unfair partiality; preferential treatment:

Many times when I’ve said, “I’m Blessed” or have heard someone say “I’m blessed” it is after something has happened in my favor, or in the favor of the person making the statement.

Do I really KNOW what the WORD  BLESSED means? Or is it something said out of habit? Tradition? Do I truly believe that I am blessed?

These questions prompted me to define the word so that I have a clear understanding of what it really means.

First, I believe in HOLINESS. I believe that my body is a living sacrifice, which is to be HOLY and ACCEPTABLE UNTO GOD, which is my REASONABLE SERVICE. (Romans 12:1)

Secondly, am I believe that I am favored and fortunate by God. Why? So many reasons:

  1. I am Alive. The Lord woke me up this morning.
  2. I have mobility of my limbs, along with my voice, and eyesight. I am able to dance, and worship and sing praises unto God.
  3. I know Who God is. I am not guessing on His existence.
  4. I have access to Gods Word. (Bible)
  5. I feel Gods presence often.
  6. I am able to pray to God (whenever, where ever) AND I know that He hears me.
  7. I am able to REPENT.
  8. I am FORGIVEN.
  9. I received the Gift the Holy Ghost (God’s Spirit), and His spirit lives on the inside of me.
  10. Have and expected end. (Life after death: Heaven)

I literally could go on and on, but I thought for the sake of time, I would stop at ten reasons! The AWESOME and AMAZING thing about my list is that the things listed do not only apply to me. If you are reading this blog, you are blessed because you ARE alive and can see.

If you don’t know who God is – the awesome thing about God is he will, can, and already is revealing himself to you. All you have to do is ask God to reveal himself to you, believe, and he will!

I also came to the realization that being “BLESSED” has nothing to do with material possessions. My treasures aren’t of this earth. (Matthew 6:20-21) My hearts content should be in the comfort of knowing God and his promises, not on the seesaw condition of the economy,  my bank account, friendships/relationships, etc. But solely on the unchanging Love of God; Christ Jesus.


And guess what?! You are too!



Suddenly. I began to despise window shopping. I would only shop when I knew exactly what I was going to buy, I would purchase exactly what I wanted and go on about my day. The thought of looking at things that I couldn’t afford was sickening. Depressing. I would immediately become saddened. So, I just wouldn’t look.

I wasn’t always like that. When I was younger I would enjoy browsing the Internet looking for million dollar homes for my “ideal family”. I would day dream about how I would decorate each room, the birthday parties or family barbecues that I would host and the tons of family that I would entertain on holidays. This type of stuff brought me joy. I would get excited. But as I explained in my last post, I believe that the mounds of mistakes built up and I no longer desired dreaming. For it would never become my reality. I wasn’t confident in myself enough to go after those goals, and I knew that God could do ANYTHING, but why would do those type of things for me?

Continue reading

Regret Not

I remember dreaming. Dreaming of what I would look like, act like, what my house would be like when I reached certain ages. I can recall saying I would be married and have as many children as the Lord permitted. I would be well established in a well to do home (nothing too fancy). At least one car for the each of us  (my husband and I). I would be successful and comfortable.

I remember having it all together and all down as if I could do everything perfectly. And as I grew I made plenty of mistakes. Mistakes that would keep my up late at night unable to sleep. Unable to allow my mind to rest. This would extend into my day, I wouldn’t be able to function because I was constantly thinking about what I COULD have done, or SHOULD have done, or how STUPID I was for making this decision or that decision.

All the while contemplating, staying in the same situation(s) day in and day out. Nothing changing.

Stagnant. Unmoved. Still.

Praying and hoping for Change, yet I changed not.

Finally I came to the conclusion that I will no longer regret decisions that I’ve made in the past, even if the past was 5 minutes ago.

( I am not referring to repentance. I am speaking on things that i have done wrong that may or may not be a sin, and if it were I have repented turned away, and moved on. However, I would still self condemn myself for those things)

I made a decision to not allow myself to dwell on past actions. I realized the value of allowing myself to abide in God. To seek God in his guidance and direction. This way not leaning on my knowledge and understanding but the Lords. For we know that the ways of the Lord are perfect. Therefore if I lean on him and seek his face, when he leads I CAN’T GO wrong , thus, there’s never anything to regret.

I will never stop trying to improve, and grow, mature and get better. I will always strive to become the person that God created me to be. And yes it will take time and I will press. I won’t give up. And I pray that God’s perfect work be manifest in me.

I you are encouraged and blessed to continue to trust and seek God, not be discouraged. And to not give up.

1 Thessalonians 5:18
Romans 12:2
Phillipians 2:14-16
Matthew 6:25
Matthew 6:32
Phillipians 4:12-13
Hebrews 13:5
1 Corinthians 10:13
John 16:33
1 John 1:9

The Ultimate Struggle

The world defines me as this, and the Church word says that I am something else. Which one do I believe? I’ve conformed to the world’s definition of me for so long that it has become second nature. It has been embedded on my mind for years. But now that I have given my life to Christ. I have been baptized in the name of Jesus. Old things have passed away and ALL THINGS have become new. So why do I still struggle with my identity?

I realize that emotions are not to be leaned on. One should NOT allow their emotions to dictate decisions because emotions are not always TRUE. EVER heard the saying, “I’ve made an emotional decision “?

This is because the emotion clouded rightful judgment thus, making a decision that one would have probably not have made if they had not been made, upset, sad, etc.

I say all of this because a lot of times when I’ve become confused on who I am, it’s because I’ve become so emotional that I’ve allowed the emotion to cloud my judgement, and question WHOSE I am.

WHAT does God say:






As we see, there are several scriptures that show us who we are in Christ;
*A chosen generation
* A Royal Priest hood
* A Holy Nation
*His Workmanship
*Of God
*A Friend of God
*A new CREATURE in Christ
And there are several more. So every day I shall be reminding myself who am through the Word of God.  This gives no room for the lies of the enemy to creep in and try to define who’s I am.

Many time people or memories try to remind you of who you used to be before giving your life to Christ, and that’s ok. However, you don’t have accept it because Scripture says otherwise.

I rejoice in God because he is the God of second chances! He didn’t allow me to be the me I created, but he loved me first and showed me through his love the me he created me to be. And he continues to reveal more and more. I am grateful for his mercy and his grace.

God is good!

I’m Just a Follower

I thought of the title, I’m just a Follower some years ago when I first began walking with Christ. I imagined that it perfectly defined my journey. I was (and still am) hungry for the word of God, for his heart, for his revelation and everything that he has for me. My thirst for him was beyond Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. I wanted MORE of Christ, and I didn’t care what it would look like, who I would become, the friends that I would loose, or what I would eventually sound like to many.

All I knew is I wanted to follow Jesus.

I began blogging but that was short lived, my blogging, not my fire for God. I still began to seek his face, and his promises, along with the purpose for my life. However, somewhere in the mix I began to feel discouraged. I didn’t think that my words were of any importance. I didn’t believe that I would be effective. My goal isn’t to become “internet famous” but to encourage others, exalt Christ, and lead SOULS to the Cross of Jesus.

Along the years there have been many discussions with believers and non believers about plenty of topics that are so critical and sometimes unspoken. Why not speak about them here? Mind you, I am not using this platform as an outlet to bring tension, discourse, drama or any of the likes to the “Church”. So, although all comments are welcome, please be respectful and mindful that the goal is to uplift, edify , educate, and enrich all in love and not with hate, gripe, hostility against any type of person regardless of race, religion, gender etc.

I remember feeling alone, as if I were the only one with questions or certain emotions. But feeling alone is a trick of the enemy and not of God. For Christ will never leave us nor forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5). So remember you can ALWAYS come to God in prayer. Talk to him, and when your done, don’t forget to LISTEN for his voice, for his does talk back.

Also,there are a great number of believers at different stages of their walk who can relate to each other, we just need to come together and commune.

Once again, I thank you for joining me, and taking out time to read. Please feel free to comment, or to contact me.

Be blessed.